A forecast based on the transit/ correlation/inter - relation of planets in relation to the Nakshatras is more accurate than the results predicted on the basis of any other system. Each Nakshatra or star that comes under Indian Astrology has an astronomical name .
Nakshatra....Astronomical Name
1) Aswini.............Beta Arietis
2) Bharani............35 Arietis
3) Kritika............Eta Tauri
4) Rohini.............Aldebaran
5) Mrigasira..........Lambda Orionis
6) Aridra.............Alpha Orionis
7) Punarvasu..........Beta Geminorium
8) Pushya.............Delta Cancri
9) Aslesha............Alpha Hydroe
10) Magha...............Regulus
11) Poorvaphalguni.......Delta Leonis
12) Uttaraphalguni........Beta Leonis
13) Hasta.................Delta Corvi
14) Chitra.................Spica Virginis -Vegus
15) Swati..................Arcturus
16) Visakha.................Alpha Libroe
17) Anuradha................Delta Scorpio
18) Jyehsta..................Antares
19) Moola....................Lambda Scorpio
20) Poorvashadha.............Delta Sagittari
21) Uttarashadha.............Sigma sagittari
22) Sravana...................Alpha Aquiloe
23) Dhanshita................Beta Delphinum
24) Satabisha................Lambda Aquarius
25) Poorvabhadrapada..........Alpha Pegasi
26) Uttarabhadrapada..........Gama Pegasi
27)Revati....................Zeta Piscum
The nakshatra in which your moon is placed in your birth chart is called your Janma Nakshatra. The following are some of the basic characteristics of a person born in various Nakshatras. However these get modified based on the other planetary conditions in ones chart.
3) KRITIKA : Kritika Nakshtra ( Eta Tauri ) is the third nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning 26°-40' in Mesha ( Aries ) to 10°-00' in Vrishabha ( Taurus) .This is the birth star of Chandra ( Moon ). People born in Kritika Nakshtra are Rakshas by Gan & Goat/ Sheep by yoni .
Individuals born in Kritika Nakshatra are very fiery in nature. Kritika borne native is generally aggressive, focused, driven individual with sharp mind and cutting tongue. There is a protective streak about people born under Krittika. Whether it’s about protecting the loved ones, adopting and nurturing an orphan, or fighting for the under trodden, the Kritika people surely shine out. People born under this influence have magnetic personality and stand out in the crowd. However they are fond of opposite sex. :
Military, police, navy, defense, Engineering, law, medicine, business, interior decoration etc.
Prone to pimples, eye-sore, small pox, brain fever, cuts and wounds in accidents, insomnia, and inflammation.
4) ROHINI : Rohini Nakshatra (Aldebaran) this is the birth nakshatra of Lord Krishna .It extends in the Vrishabha Rasi ( Taurus ) from 10 degree to 23:20. The ruling planet is Moon & the presiding deity is Brahma . The symbol is a Cart drawn by Cows. People born in Rohina Nakshtra are Snake by Yoni & Manushya by Gana .
Rohini was one of the most beloved queens of moon. She became the cause of curse on her husband. She is said to be Beautiful, seductive, pampered, and fond of fine and beautiful things in life. Much similar to her characteristics, people born in Rohini are elegant, seductive, and passionate, with good sex drive. Generally they are not so fortunate people .
Those born in the star Rohini are agriculturists, experts, well-behaved, handsome, good speakers and poets. They are stable minded, respected, enjoyers and interested in lovemaking. They are of sweet-speech, intelligent, capable and bright. They are long-lived and perform accepted jobs, religious, truthful and help those who have helped them. Kings respect them. They respect gods and Brahmins and know the science of meters and metaphors. They are able servants of their lords and determined. They are endowed with good looking hands and wide forehead, handsome, independent, loved by their children, experts, wealthy with respect to corns and money, have desire to wear new clothes, suffer from eye diseases, little feared and play with women.
8) PUSHYA : Pushya Nakshatra ( Delta Cancri ) is the eighth Nakshatra .Spanning from 3°-20' to 16°-40' in Karaka. Ruling planet is Saturn. The presiding deity is Brihaspati. Symbol - teat of the Cow. The word Pushya means to strengthen, to fortify. The word etymologically means "to nourish" . The day Pushya Nakshatra falls is considered highly auspicious for beginning new ventures, investments and purchases. People born in Pushya Nakshatra are Goat by Yoni & Dev by Gana.
Pushya Nakshatra Days as per Indian Standard Time
January 12, 2009 – Pushya
February 8, 2009 – Pushya Nakshatra
March 8, 2009 – Pushya
April 4, 2009 – Pushya Nakshatra
April 30, 2009 – Pushya Nakshatra (In some calendars it is marked on April 30 and in such regions it is a Guru Pushya Yog - this is mostly in North India.)
May 1, 2009 – Pushya
June 25, 2009 – Guru Pushya
July 22, 2009 – Pushya
August 19, 2009 – Pushya Nakshatra
September 15, 2009 – Pushya
October 12, 2009 – Pushya Nakshatra
November 9, 2009 – Pushya
December 6, 2009 – Pushya Nakshatra
When Pushya Nakshatra falls on a Thursday, it is known as Gurupushyamrut or Guru Pushyamrit yoga & is considered highly auspicious.Gurupushyamrut, or Guru Pushyamrit yoga, is the day when Pushya Nakshatra falls on a Thursday. Gurupushyamrut yog day is considered highly auspicious to pray to Goddess Lakshmi and seek her blessings. In Hindu astrological terms there is amrut or amrti yoga on the day and it is ideal to buy gold, make investments and start new businesses.
Pushya Nakshatra increases our good karma and good efforts. The value of this Nakshatra for religious and spiritual practices is emphasized. The person born under this Nakshatra has a healthy body, obeys his parents, religious, humble, fortunate and possesses wealth and vehicles etc.These people respect laws and believe that nobody should be above the law.
These people are likely to suffer from lack of hormones that help in body growth and digestion, skin troubles, cough and cold and asthma. Males born in this sign are likely to be tall but thin. Females born in this sign are short in stature with an oval face. They are devotional, wealthy, doubting, soft nature, jack of all trades and well placed.
Peter Jennings, Mick Jagger, Janet Reno, Benito Mussolini, Monica Lewinsky.
23) DHANISHTHA : Dhanishtha Nakshtra ( Beta Delphinum ) is owned by the fiery planet Mars. People born in this nakshtra are Rakshas by Gana & Lion by Yoni . This nakshatra spans from 23°-20' in Makar to 6°-40' in Kumbha. The symbol is a drum and tabla. Dhanishtha has two meanings in it - one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound).
A person born in this Nakshatra is of excellent behaviour, practical, rich, powerful and kind hearted. People born in this nakshatra are lean and tall, with good ability to resist contagious diseases. These people get angry and are determined to crush the offender with all their might.Most of us are probably aware of the elephant's revenge. That is, if any person or any animal cause trouble to the elephant, the elephant waits for an opportunity to bounce upon them. In the same way Dhanishta born also waits for an opportunity to bounce upon others with whom he has to settle a score.These people need to take proper care of their health, as they tend to neglect their health problems till they reach the extreme stage. Dhanishta born are passionate about the past and spend time in learning about it. Dhanishtha Nakshatra has one uncommon characteristic denoting delayed marriage or unhappy married life.
CAREERS IDEAL FOR INDIVIDUALS BORN IN DHANISHTHA NAKSHTRA : Skilled in business, music and dance, scientific research, astrology, philosopher, surgeon, computer industry, agriculture etc.
Could suffer from complaints like anemia, cough and cold; heart failure, leg injury etc.