Manglik dosha means a Dosha or a defect caused by the effect of planet Mars. Manglik Dosha also called as Sumanglik dosh & Kuja dosh . A comparative analysis of the Birth Chart ( Lagan Kundali ) , the Moon Chart ( Chandra Kundali ) & the Navamsha is done to conclude whether a person is Manglik or not. Manglik dosh or mangal dosha is much talked about topic in Indian society and manglik dosha analysis is the integral part of the horoscope matching process before marriage. In the horoscope matching process if all other attributes matches but there is a mismatch in the manglik status of the prospective bride and groom, the marriage between them will be considered inappropriate.

Mangalik Dosha is formed when Mars is placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th house from the ascendant (lagna) in lagna horoscope, from the moon sign in Chandra horoscope or navmansha horoscope. If this placement of Mars happened in one of the above mentioned charts then the ill effect will be lesser. If this happened in two or all of the charts then the ill effect will be more severe.
The highest degree of this Manglik dosh is formed when mars is placed in ascendant or the seventh house. These two placements form two most severe manglik dosh out of which placement in seventh is the most severe of all. Next in severity in decreasing order come the Mars in eighth house, then forth and then twelfth house. In addition to mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu and ketu’s placement in the houses mentioned above also forms partial Manglik dosh.

Mars is considered the most malefic planet as far as marriage of a person is considered. Mars is a fierce planet and its placement in certain houses results in Mangalik dosha. Marriage is considered as one of the most auspicious ceremony. In Hindi the word Manglik denotes auspiciousness. Hence a manglik dosha makes the even inauspicious or causes problems in this event.

The most common effect of Manglik dosha is - Delay in Marriage. Manglik dosha causes the marriage to be solemnized as late as at the age of 34 years, 38 years and even in 40s . Apart from this if a manglik boy/girl is married to a non-manglik spouse then the event of death or severe accidents have been witnessed by many couples which lead to death, permanent disability of the non-manglik spouse. Manglik dosh causes excessive delay in the marriage. There are so many Boys/girls who are afflicted by this dosha and because of this, there are going through a bad phase of life whether it is due to delay in marriage, fight between couples or divorce. Hence, it is advisable that a Manglik boy or girl must always be married to a manglik partner only. Some experts have the opinion that the Manglik Dosh is neutralised when the native reaches his late 30s in life.

Remedies of manglik dosha:There are some general remedies which are applicable and beneficial to all types of mangliks like chanting hanuman chalisa will be beneficial for reducing the effect of manglik yog. Praying goddess Parvati will also be beneficial. For the people who are having lesser manglik dosh, only doing above mentioned remedies will suffice.

If the severity of manglik dosh is higher than apart from these remedies, complex remedies are required to be done. These are prescribed in Vedic scriptures to remove the ill impacts of even the manglik doshas of the highest severity to the full extent.