Each person has a Gana according to his or her horoscope . There are 3 Ganas

1) Dev Gana ( Devine )

2) Manushya Gana ( Human )

3) Rakshas Gana ( Demonic )

Gana represents the temperament of the person & it is very important during matching of girl's horoscope with boy's horoscope for marriage purpose . In Kalaprakasika Gana compatibility is must for Kshatriyas . It is considered good if both the girl & boy are of Dev Gan or Manushya Gan or one is Dev & orther is Manushya Gan . Manushya or a Dev boy should not marry a Rakshas girl unless there are other neutralizing factors . However marriage between a Rakshas boy & a Dev or Manushya girl is possible . If marriage is brought about between prohibited Ganas there will be quarrels & disharmony .

Cancellation of Gana Dosh :
1) If the bride's star ( birth Nakshtra ) counted from that of the boy is above 13 , the evil effect will be warded off & their horoscopes can be matched .

2) If the Janam Rashis of the couple isthe same or if the lords of the Janam Rashis either happen to be friends then the horoscopes can be matched .

According to Hindu Vedic Astrology maximum 6 points (6 Guns) are given to Gana.


BOY -------GIRL------- POINTS

1) Dev--------Dev------------- 6

2) Dev-------Manushya------ -6

3) Dev------- Rakshas-------- 0

4) Manushya--- Dev---------- 5

5) Nanushya--- Manushya---- 6

6) Manushya--- Rakshas----- 0

7) Rakshas------ Dev--------- 1

8) Rakshas------ Manushya-- 0

9) Rakshas------ Rakshas---- 6

Gana of a person is determined from his or her birth Nakshtra . There are 27 Nakshtras & below I will give details on Nakshtra & Gana


Person who are borh in Ashwini or Mrigshira or Punarvasu or Pushya or Hasta or Swati or Anuradha or Sravan or Revathi Nakshtra are said to be Dev Gana .


Person who are borh in Bharni or Rohini or Ardhra or Poorvaphalguni or Utraphalguni or Purvashada or Uttraashada or Poorvbhadrapada or Uttrabhadrapada are said to be Manushya Gana .


Person who are borh in Krithika or Ashlesha or Magha or Chitra or Vishakha or Jyeshta or Mool or Dhanishta or Satabisha are said to e Rarkshas Gan .

SAMPLE HOROSCOPES FOR GAN DOSH CANCELLATION :Respected readers you can check the below analysis however always consult astrologer if there is GAN OR NADI Dosh while matching horoscope . As in many cases Gan
& Nadi dosh is canceled however still we suggest if the two should proceed with marriage or not depends upon Rahu , Ketu , & placement of other planets .

1) Mr. Navin & Poonam
2) Mr. Karan & Sakshi

3) Mr. Sandeep & Swetha